Thursday, June 4, 2009

You may as well enjoy the ride!

I once saw a commercial while in Toulouse, France that showed a airplane about to crash. The passengers on board were screaming and yelling, oxygen masks were dropping down and people were tucking their heads between their legs preparing for the crash. As the camera is panning through the aircraft covering all of this, it gets to one passenger in the last row. The passenger, unlike anyone else on the plane, has their hands in the air screaming "hell yeah!" as though they were riding the greatest roller coaster ever. I don't remember what the commercial was about but I've never forgotten that scene.

While reflecting over what to include in this article, that commercial sums it up in a nustshell. There are things in life that no matter how positive you may view them, you will not be able to change the eventual outcome. If you ever find yourself in that situation do this: Enjoy the moment! No matter how crazy that may seem, enjoy each and every moment leading up to that event over which you have no control.

Some have said it like this, "Live every day as though it was your last." If tomorrow was really and truly your last day on earth what would you do? Would you sit around and cry or try to enjoy every last bit of this life that you could? We should view every negative situation like this WHILE MOVING TO CHANGE THE OUTCOME. For example, lets say that you are about to lose your home, have your car repossed or your electric and gas cut off. To even think straight about your next steps you MUST BE IN THE RIGHT FRAME OF MIND! You cannot allow yourself to panic.

So to keep panic from occuring in dramatic situations I want you to start right now, enjoying each moment of your life in the most suttle fashion.

I want you to be aware of the feel of the chair you're sitting in, the coolness of a glass of water as you pick it up. I want you to notice different scents or frangrances in the air, and or wear your favorite cologne or perfume daily. I want you to be aware and on the lookout for things in each moment that bring you pleasure. And, I want you to consciously think "what could I be doing at this moment to enjoy myself."

Why so much on enjoyment? Because it clears the mind so that you can focus. How does it clear the mind? By shutting it down. When you are in the thrill of enjoyment, in the NOW, there are no thoughts about the past or the future and what may occur in them. Trust me, your mind won't permanently shut down, but thorugh the feeling of enjoyment your mind will suspend its venture into a possible negative outcome. And, through this suspension of thought, give your mind time to reboot. Time to look at and assess the situation differently. Then maybe, just maybe, what appears to be the eventual outcome may not come out that way at all.

Always be found in Joy in Yourself

Tony Stewart
"Shift: Stop, Think and Be without doubt"

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